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Achieving together and showing PRIDE

Fierté Multi-Academy Trust

Our Family of Schools




The Local Governing Board at Heathfields Infant and Wilnecote Junior Academy are fully committed to working together to ensure your children flourish in all areas of school life, their priority being that they enjoy their learning and strive to achieve their full potential through the broad curriculum we can offer. 

What is the role of a Governing Board? Answer: To become a ‘critical friend’. 

Supporting the work of the Headteacher and other staff, this looks like challenging decisions to ensure they are the best for the direction of the school, analysing and questioning data about both the budget and the pupils' progress, evaluating strategies and holding the school accountable to ensure these are followed through and most importantly making sure all decisions are with the children at the forefront of our minds. 

We meet as a governing body twice a term to review progress and re-evaluate future decisions to ensure we stay on track to meet the overall focus in the schools. We also have link governors that are heads of topics covering Health and Safety, Curriculum, SEND and Safeguarding. Their role is to meet with key members of staff and talk with the children about their work.  The Chair and Vice-Chair meet regularly with other Chairs/Vice-Chairs from all schools within the Fierté family to ensure cohesion of governance across the Trust.  

We have termly Curriculum and Standards meetings and Local Governing Board meetings. All governors attend these meetings and the chair is Matthew Fletcher.

Fierté Multi Academy Trust is committed to promoting and prioritising diversity and inclusion.  We encourage our academy local governing boards (LGB’s) to recognise the benefits of diversity and appoint governors from a variety of backgrounds. 

A proportion of our trustees/governors are from ethnic minorities, with an approximate 50% being female.  However, the trust understands that more needs to be done to increase representation on LGB’s, and we are working with them to grow the networks we engage with to further this aim. 

Getting people from diverse backgrounds onto our LGB’s is an important step.  The Trust supports LGB’s throughout the process of recruiting new governors, with strategies they can put in place to ensure all governors feel included, which leads to improved retention.  This is an ongoing process which we will need to keep reflecting on as to how we achieve this. 

Below are some useful question and answers about governing bodies and a link to their national online support network:

Chair of Governors

Our Chair of Governors is Mr Matthew Fletcher who can be contacted at the addresses below.

Wilnecote Junior Academy

Mr Matthew Fletcher
Wilnecote Junior Academy,
Smithy Lane, Wilnecote,
Tamworth, Staffordshire,
England, B77 5LA

Heathfields Infant Academy

Mr Matthew Fletcher
Heathfields Infant Academy,
Saxon Close, Wilnecote,
Tamworth, Staffordshire,
England, B77 5LU

Alternatively, Mr Christopher Watson can also be reached via email at

Name Category Appointed/voted by Link Governor Responsibilities From To Declaration of interest: Business/Body Nature of business Date declared
Gareth Woods Co-opted The Governing Body     01.09.23 01.09.27 none   08.07.24
Chris Watson Co-opted The Governing Body Health and Safety Vice Chair 24.09.18 30.11.24 none   08.07.24
Adam Winstanley Local Authority Councillor Adams Maths   26.11.18 30.11.24 none  


Louisa Todd Parent Parent appointed by GB /board due to no election candidates. English   01.12.20 30.11.24 none   27.09.23
Anja Hartveld Parent Parent appointed by GB /board due to no election candidates. Pupil Premium/SEND   12.11.21 11.11.25 none   08.07.24
Matthew Fletcher Co-opted The Governing Body

EYFS and Safeguarding 

Chair 29.11.21 28.11.25 Yes married to PTFA chair 08.07.24
Kelly Williams Executive Head Teacher Ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher/principle         none   08.07.24
Ian Melloy Head of School (HIA) Ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher/principle         none   08.07.24
Nicola Glover Head of School (WJA) Ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher/principle         none   08.07.24


Meeting attendance 2021-2022
  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Name C&S 27.09.21 LGB 29.11.21 C&S 24.01.22 LGB 28.03.22 C&S 23.05.22 LGB 04.07.22
Mr A Winstanley P P P P P P
Mrs K Williams P P P A P P
Mr I Melloy P P P P P P
Mrs N Glover  P P P P P P
Mr C Watson P P P A P P
Mrs L Baker P          
Rev O Harrison P P P P P P
Mrs L Todd P P P P A P
Mrs M Fletcher   P P P P P
Mrs A Hartveld   P P P A P


Meeting attendance 2022-2023
  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Name C&S 12.09.22 LGB 28.11.22 C&S 09.01.23 LGB 06.03.23 C&S 23.05.23 LGB 26.06.23
Mr A Winstanley P A P P A P
Mrs K Williams P P P P


Mr I Melloy P P P P P P
Mrs N Glover  P P P P P P
Mr C Watson P P P P P A
Rev O Harrison P P P P A A
Mrs L Todd P P P P P P
Mrs M Fletcher P P P P P P
Mrs A Hartveld P P P A A P
Meeting attendance 2023-2024
  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Name C&S  02.10.23 LGB  C&S  LGB C&S LGB
Mr A Winstanley P P P A P P
Mrs K Williams P P P P P P
Mr I Melloy P P P P P P
Mrs N Glover  P P P P P P
Mr C Watson P P P A P P
Mr G Woods P P P P P P
Mr M Fletcher P P P P P P
Mrs A Hartveld P P P P P P
Meeting attendance 2024-2025
  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Name C&S   LGB  C&S  LGB C&S LGB
Mr A Winstanley            
Mrs K Williams            
Mr I Melloy            
Mrs N Glover             
Mr C Watson            
Mr G Woods            
Mr M Fletcher            
Mrs A Hartveld            



How does a school governing body work?

A governing body:

  • works closely with the head teacher;
  • makes decisions collectively as a team;
  • often delegates decision-making to committees or to individuals, for example, to the head teacher; and
  • conducts most of its business through meetings, making use of relevant papers and guidance, and advice from the head teacher.

What do school governors do? 

School governors:

  • promote high standards of educational attainment;
  • set targets for pupil achievement;
  • take general responsibility for the conduct of the school;
  • manage the school's budget, including deciding on staff numbers and pay;
  • make sure that the curriculum is balanced and broadly based, in particular that the National Curriculum and religious education are taught, and report on exam results and pupils' achievement in National Curriculum assessments;
  • participate in the appointment of senior staff (including appointing the head teacher) and regulate staff conduct and discipline;
  • draw up an action plan after an inspection by the Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED).